Saturday, October 17, 2009

Just Cake

I have no pictures to share, but I can share with you some fun tid-bits from Marina. It all started last Friday...the beginning of a 10 cake weekend. She gets a call from Harpo Studios inviting her to participate in one of Oprah's upcoming shows. Here is what the weekend looked like and adding making a cake for Oprah seemed totally nutty!

Friday: 2 cakes to Livermoore
Saturday: 1 cake to Seascape
4 cakes to Carmel Valley
1 cake to Hollister
1 cake to San Francisco
Sunday: 1 cake to Half Moon Bay

Saturday night the fun began, Marina at my house sketching away during a baby shower and having ideas whirl through her brain. Sunday she was able to get good friend James Rosselle and fellow Cake designer to detour to Santa Cruz from Napa on his way back home to L.A. They spent Sunday shopping and experimenting and brain storming! Monday was for sure GO TIME! Marina had several people making sugar beads, running around picking up supplies and helping her at the kitchen. James headed home to re pack and be ready to meet Marina and Danielle in Chicago to put the cake together! So as you might imagine there were many sleepless nights and a lot of hard work happening between last Friday and yesterday.

Marina had to create the cake of a lifetime to present to Oprah and really the world! The show will probably air in a couple of weeks, but it is a show about Reality TV. They were focusing on shows like Project Runway, American Idol and cake shows. Marina was on with Duff of Ace of Cakes and Mary Maher of Cake girls (Chicago). It was an absolutely amazing experience for her and Oprah and her staff loved, loved, loved her creation! From what I understand it was breathe taking! But would you expect anything less from Marina!? She got to kick it with Duff and experience the Omni and is now spending the rest of the weekend being a tourist of Chicago! Well deserved! I will be sure to let you know when the show airs, but in the mean time if you have never gone to the website, you must check out . Her work is like no other's and it was about time she got on Oprah! I think her angel in Heaven (Marge) had something to do with all of this!

Way to go Marina!

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