Not many people other then me I guess call coming to Fresno a "vacation". But when me and the girls check in at Mom-o's and Catfish's house it IS vacation! It is non stop play time, movie time for the girls and I get to spend a lot of time surfing the web, sleeping in and hangin on the couch! We have been watching a lot of college baseball and hitting the pool at least once a day. We have been doing our best to get out of the house early, while it is still 85 degrees for some outdoor play time and then head home for movies, lunch and then swim time at Deb and Bryan's. It is truly vacation when i can send an awake evie down the hall and I can sleep for another hour! Do I have to go home? It doesn't get any better than this! Well, that is other than having John home to ourselves for the rest of the summer! We miss you daddy! Enjoy the pictures my European traveling family and friends!
Evie checking out Grandpa Catfish's socks

Evie checking out Luci's shower cap that Catfish brought home for her from the hotel in Cabo

Fashionista Abby

Go Dogs Go!

Evie playing dress up

Too cute!

too pooped to whoop!
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