Let me give you a little history...Grandpa Pat "Catfish" Phelan comes from a "Small Irish Catholic Family" He has 12 brothers and sisters! Jess, Judy, Joan, Jim, Pat, Mike, John, Tom, Mary, Peggy, Bonnie, and Kathy. From those original bros and sisters came over 30 grandchildren and from them 12? great grandchildren. WOW! Every year we have a Christmas gift exchange. Santa comes every year and has shown up in a different way each time! This year he got a ride from Santa's helper on an awesome yellow Harly Davidson! He has come by stretch limo, dune buggy, ATV, Clydesdale horese drawn carriage, antique fire truck and I am sure more! The Phelan's are just about the raddest family alive! Enjoy!

Marc and his baby Sarah Bull

Aunt Glenda Phelan and Mika

Martin, Uncle Jimmer and Oscar Phelan

Jen and Jacob Wheling

Ryan, Lisa and Mika

Ryan, Lisa and Abby

Ryan and Mika being CRAZY!

Abby playing the bugle at Uncle Marty's house.

Daddy and Luci at the end of the Christmas party!