Jim and Ashley came and met us up at Crystal Springs since it was so close to home. The girls got to play and Jim got to see a few of his former athletes compete. We took the girls down to the park for some play time and Auntie Michelle brought us all lunch! On Sunday Auntie Lisa and Ryan came for dinner! Ryan cooked up steaks and chicken in the dark with the head lamp guiding him! Abby! Ashley! Luci! Mika! The girls busy eating. Auntie Lisa and Ryan out by the BBQ.
Abby's Godfather Jeff Gill and his cross country team from the Univ. Of Portland came to Crystal Springs(my all time favorite course) to compete in the WCC Championships. The Pilots took home the title and we had a great time cheering for Jeff and visiting with his Awesome family! Abby was espically excited to see her Godfather run! Pilots are #1 Go Jeff Gill! Gill Family, we missed you Patrick! T. Gill with Abby
On Saturday, October 20th we baptised Evie at the Holy Cross Chapel in Santa Cruz. We asked our very best friends Cyprian and Marina to be Evie's Godparents. It was a fun celebration, Evie screamed through the whole ceremony! Of course my dad forgot his camera and so did my mom and my sister in law. So I have like one good picture! Here is a shot of the "big girls" Mika, Kelly, Ashley, Luci, Abby and Gianna
Our good friend Gabe Summers from our Mom's group invited all of us over for a Halloween party! The kids got to Trick or Treat and have lunch and play in their awesome play room! A good time was had by all! We got as many as we could for a group picture, but you know how toddlers go. We lost one on a nose dive off the couch, Luci wasn't up for it and the babes couldn't support themselves! Abby as Minnie Mouse! Abby and her good friend Geno (what a cute couple!:)) Black Cat Luci
Can you believe it has been 4 months?! Evie is smiling, talking, teething, rolling over and already trying to scoot around on the floor! Oh yeah, I had to throw in a picture of Princess ABBY.(she made that at school!)
So many of you may know that I like to take pictures of pumpkins almost as much as I like taking pictures of my girls! Yes, we have been to the pumpkin patch like 5 times already, maybe more! October has been a busy month! We started out by heading to Fresno for John's cross country meet and the Big Fresno Fair! We have coasted through the rest of the month with more cross country meets, pumpkin patch visits and savoring as many nights home together as possible! John's team in Fresno at Woodward Park and in front of Catfish and Irene's for an awesome lunch! Fun at the Fair! Let the pumpkin patch pictures begin!